Oct 31, 2020

lilydo.dev - Optimized Static Pages and SEO with GatsbyJS & Netlify

After completed my first project with vanilla HTML CSS JS and full fledge React application, it's time to build something for my own. This project comes with different requirements compared to the other 2, which is optimized for speed and SEO. There will be many things to do in order to achieve a optimized performance that comes with good SEO. From the previous experience, I know that there would be libraries or frameworks doing this and I was not disappointed to find out a few options. After careful consideration, GatsbyJS and Netlify suit my requirements:

  • - Optimized for static pages
  • - Optimized SEO
  • - There is room to explore with plugins
  • - Customizable
  • - Based on popular and influential technologies (ReactJS, GraphQL etc.)
  • - Easy to navigate API documentation and tutorials
  • - Continuous and automated deployment with Netlify, which makes the development process very enjoyable and rewarding: write your code, commit, push/merge to master and voila, it's up on production in a few minnutes! There are continuous development from Netlify on cutting down the build time (e.g. Incremental Builds)
  • - Free hosting from Netlify with HTTPS enabled

So, what's the plan?


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