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My Experience
Aug 2021 - Present
Senior Frontend Developer
- Architect the flow with React, React-router, TypeScript, Redux, Redux-toolkit, Redux-saga and Redux-persist
- Generate Axios API client library with Openapi-generator from backend Swagger.json file
- Implement custom, co-dependent form systems with Antd & authentication with OAuth
- Plan, develop, test, and document with Agile framework.
Sep 2019 - Jan 2020
Front-End Developer
- Implemented a React/Redux/React Router application with custom designed styled-components.
- Communicated with Back-End through Axios for authentication and data manipulation.
- Acted as a development team member in Agile working process with automated CI/CD deployment
2019 - Present
Personal Porfolio
- Develop highly optimized static blog with GatsbyJS and continuous development and deployment with Netlify.
2013 - 2018
Digital Marketing Manager
VNG Corp, BIN Media, SPT Corp
Implemented digital marketing campaigns for clients in different industries across Vietnam.
My Qualification
2020 - 2021
Information Technology
Kaplan Higher Education Academy
Leaned fundamentals of Computer systems, Information systems, Database and Java programming
2019 - 2020
React - The Complete Guide
Learned React.js, React Hooks, Redux, React Routing, Animations, Next.js and Firebase.
Build real powerful, fast, user-friendly and reactive web app with amazing user experiences.
2010 - 2014
Business Administration
University of Finance & Marketing
Learned business management in various aspects. Especially focus on project, human resource and marketing management.